
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.

Thats what I want! Thanks!!!

🎉 1
mafcocinco 2019-08-16T01:47:58.085Z

@mikerod Perhaps I didn't phrase my question clearly. Basically if I have a custom template called foo that is in Clojars, I can run lein new foo my-foo-project and lein will go to Clojars and find the template and download it if it is not already installed on the local machine. How can I get Leiningen to do that for a template that is in a private JAR repository like <http://deps.co|deps.co> or something like that. Putting the repository listing in the template doesn't help because the lein new ... command does not have that context. the lein command itself needs to be told somehow (the repositories in the ~/.lein/profiles.clj was the only way I could think of) to look in the private JAR repository to find the template.

mafcocinco 2019-08-16T01:49:21.085700Z

Or the template needs to be pre-installed before running the command. Maybe that is the only way but I would prefer for my dev team not to have to do that.


@mafcocinco thanks. I understand now. The only way I can see it working so far is to add the private repo to :plugin-repositories of the :user profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj


I don’t know if :repositories works.


But yeah, I can see why it’s confusing.

mafcocinco 2019-08-16T13:33:01.088700Z

Got it. I will give that a try.

mafcocinco 2019-08-16T13:33:07.089Z

Thanks @mikerod!


no problem


Hello! could I get a recommendation on how to do a multi-module setup with leiningen?


@daplay there are some plugins around to consider I think. lein-modules is one. And also lein-parent


Thanks @mikerod