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ingesol 2019-10-03T10:18:17.047200Z

Hi! I’m making a JAR from my client project, and before the actual zipping happens I want to move some files around, such that the dir layout in the JAR will be subtly different from that in the project structure. I tried using https://github.com/m0smith/lein-resource, but can’t seem to figure out how to make it operate on files in target folder before JAR task. Also, I think it only does copy, not move. Any ideas?

ingesol 2019-10-07T21:33:18.058600Z

@mikerod Ended up using most of your initial suggestion, works fine now. Thanks!


Cool. I’m glad it was helpful then.

vemv 2019-10-03T10:20:35.047400Z

in project.clj:

:profiles {:uberjar {:prep-tasks [...]}}
there you can invoke arbitrary custom tasks


you may find lein-shell helpful if you just want to do a few shell things to move stuff around pre-jar’ing. You can change the :source-paths or whatever to be a new tmp dir you make specifically for this changed layout too and that might help


:source-paths ^:replace ["jar-layout"]


you’d do that in a profile as well

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:36:47.048200Z

that might work


(defproject org.example/my-tester "1.0.0"
  :plugins [[lein-shell "0.5.0"]]

  :aliases {"jar-build" ["do"
                         ["shell" "cp" "-r" "src" "jar-build/src"]
                         ["shell" "cp" "-r" "resources" "jar-build/src"]
                         ;; Do other changes you want to these new directory
                         ;; Add in any profiles you want active for `jar`.
                         ["with-profile" "jar-build" "jar"]]}
  :profiles {:jar-build {:source-paths ^:replace ["jar-build/src"]
                         :resource-paths ^:replace ["jar-build/resources"]}})
rough idea


but there are open questions

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:38:37.048800Z

@mikerod Currently I’m trying to use :jar-exclusions and :jar-inclusions because there are only a few changes I need in the file structure. So I try to copy them to the target folder and then exclude the original folder. But my settings don’t work


if you want this to build into the uberjar or install tasks, have to think about it a bit more


if you can just include/exclude things, that’d be ideal

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:39:32.049600Z

Agree. But original resources are included anyway, no matter what changes I make. I’m suspecting I’m doing something very trivial wrong…

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:42:07.049800Z

{:jar-exclusions [#"^src/scss/.*$"]
                     :jar-inclusions [#"^target/.*\.scss$"]
                     :resource       {:resource-paths
                                        {:includes    [#".*\.sass"]
                                         :target-path "target/sass"}]]}}


I haven’t used the lein-resource, so don’t know about that part


you’re saying your :jar-exclusions aren’t being used though?

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:43:52.050500Z

That part works, it copies files to the specified target

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:43:57.050700Z


ingesol 2019-10-03T13:46:06.050900Z

also tested this without the resource copying part, just ran jar task with files already in target folder

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:46:48.051100Z

But sounds like you’re saying this is supposed to work, the way I’m expecting it here?


unless your regex are incorrect

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:48:46.051500Z

yes 🙂


inclusions and exclusions should work on the jar task specifically

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:49:01.051900Z

I tested them elsewhere, semi-sure they work. But I guess they are the prime suspect


perhaps try making them more open to see if you get success

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:49:29.052300Z

will do

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:49:33.052500Z

thanks so far!


like :jar-exclusions [#"scss/.*"]


like narrowing down if you have a regex problem or not


I haven’t tried excluding things from src or target specifically like that before, so I’m curious


no problem, but no fast answers here from me hah

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:50:56.053500Z

yes, that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing so far. I’ll discuss it with some of my colleagues, maybe they’ll see it more clearly than I can

ingesol 2019-10-03T13:51:01.053700Z


🎉 1