Getting some interesting behavior from lein-monolith where we're getting:
WARNING: It appears your project does not contain a ClojureScript dependency. One will be provided for you by lein-cljsbuild, but it is strongly recommended that you add your own.
for clj projects. There are shared cljc
dependencies between clj and cljs projects.
You could add it to your :provided
dependencies if you don’t want it polluting your downstream consumers
we use this uh… fairly gnarly alias in the metaproject to automate some test setup for our cljs-compatible projects:
;; Run this in a project with cljs-compatible unit tests to run the tests on headless chrome
"test-cljs" ["update-in" ":dependencies" "conj"
"[org.clojure/clojurescript \"1.10.312\"]"
"[ \"23.0\"]"
"[ \"3.3.0\"]"
"[olical/cljs-test-runner \"3.5.0\" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojurescript] [] []]]"
"update-in" ":source-paths" "conj" "\"cljs-test-runner-out/gen\""
["shell" "bash" "-c" "mkdir -p cljs-test-runner-out/gen"]
"run" "-m" "cljs-test-runner.main" "-c" "{:optimizations :advanced}" "-x" "chrome-headless"]
you probably don’t need the guava and protobuf stuff, depending on what other deps your projects pull in - those are there to avoid otherwise-conflicting dependencies
ok great thanks for the answer Greg