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Shaitan 2019-10-09T09:48:41.000400Z

how does Leiningen know how to package a uberjar? Is the configuration defined is plugins? I saw that even webapps does work from uberjars with all the assets and configuration...


is it possible to have clojure and clojurescript together under one leiningen project? For example a clojure backend with a clojurescript frontend. If so what would the project.clj look like?


@nicholas.jaunsen yes. Typically with something like lein-figwheel and lein-cljsbuild plugins


There are some lein templates you can use to get an idea of what those setups can look like in a base case.


@kalaneje not sure how to answer that really. The uberjar builds a jar like jar would. It then also includes all of the contents of all of the jars that are your projects dependencies.


@mikerod thanks, found the figwheel-main docs and went from there


yes, that should be helpful