i have a project that hangs when running "lein uberjar". it appears to compile all the project files but after the last one it just hangs. I read that it could be that a function call is outside the main. i checked and didnt see anything. is there a verbose build mode or something that can give me a hint?
@atticmaverick I believe I’ve seen issues before where the classpath was recursive or something like that so it gets caught in a loop
Maybe try looking into that
lein classpath
could potentially help
You may have to add profiles if your uberjar has special stuff in it. Like
lein with-profile uberjar classpath
For example
okay thanks. I will take a look. I was wondering if it was some kind of circular call. I was just hoping there would be some kind of way to see what is actually going on.
no luck. i think i will try building leinigen and debug it from there