
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.
Dennis Tel 2020-01-09T13:17:32.000400Z

Hi, clojure newb here! Are there plugins for leiningen/maven that help with semantic versioning? I’m looking for something to generate a changelog and a new version number based on commit history


leiningen release process does that for you automatically

Dennis Tel 2020-01-09T13:23:50.001700Z

@sgerguri If I’ve read it correctly you have to figure out yourself what kind of version increase you want to do right?


It uses a default of either :minor or :patch - I can't remember. But you can easily override that if you like.

Dennis Tel 2020-01-09T13:24:34.002600Z

Awesome, thanks!

👍 1
lilactown 2020-01-09T22:30:09.003500Z

I have this in my defproject:

:deploy-repositories [["snapshots" {:sign-releases false :url "<https://clojars.org>"}]
                        ["releases"  {:sign-releases false :url "<https://clojars.org>"}]]
however, running lein deploy clojars still errors saying it wants me to sign it with GPG