
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.
borkdude 2020-02-29T12:13:41.006800Z

how can I force leiningen to use 2.9.1 instead of 2.9.2? the last version doesn't work for me on circleci

vemv 2020-02-29T19:19:55.006900Z

circeci offers *lein-2.9.1 images ...if that doesn't cut it, you can download https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/master/bin/lein as of any version, and use that script as a lein replacement

borkdude 2020-02-29T19:31:30.007900Z

@vemv yep, fixed it the latter way, details in #circleci