
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.
mbarillier 2020-03-03T13:12:38.011100Z

I'd like to use the latest github version of a lib in a project I'm hacking on, but there are some changes that haven't been released to clojars yet. leiningen supports checkout dependencies -- is that the current best practice? any alternatives that I haven't read about?


there's this: https://github.com/RickMoynihan/lein-tools-deps -- and some other similar things


https://github.com/tobyhede/lein-git-deps (haven't really heard much about this one)


the rationale section of the second one has some comparison info, fwiw: https://github.com/reifyhealth/lein-git-down#rationale

mbarillier 2020-03-03T13:27:29.015400Z

thanks -- I saw at least lein-tools-deps when I was googling, will look into those. nice to see some rationale in lein-git-down ... props to the author.


i used the second one a bit -- it had some difficulties on windows. i've heard others say the first one worked for them. good luck 🙂