simplest way to capture all failed/successful tests from lein test
I don't see an option to produce a report
@ghadi we have
:circleci {:jvm-opts ^:replace ["-Dconfig.edn=circleci-config.edn"]
:plugins [[test2junit "1.3.3"]]
:test2junit-output-dir "test2junit-test-results"}
in our project.cljthanks, I saw that project and I'm happy to know it works for you
it existed before me and will be there after me 🙂 kaocha seems like it works nicely with lein as well but i've never used it
actually kaocha worked out very well @dpsutton, we were already using it in another context
I’ll have to look into it. Glad to hear another positive experience. I haven’t taken advantage of the lambda island stuff yet but I want to support that awesome endeavor