@ordnungswidrig: I think I've found a small bug in liberator: https://github.com/clojure-liberator/liberator/issues/254 It's easily resolved and I can issue a PR if you'd like.
oh looks like this has been fixed already in 0.14.0
.... https://github.com/clojure-liberator/liberator/blob/master/src/liberator/core.clj#L563
I've closed the issue
sorry for the hassle
No worries, this is a rough edge of liberator.
When you try to combine custom as-response and ring-response to manipulate headers then you'll find yourself in even weirder terrain.
yeah I can imagine - I had some weirdness a while back with ring-response
- I can't remember the details - I might've been fighting against the grain of liberator though...