
qqq 2018-01-05T10:57:35.000056Z

If you come across any interesting books / articles / ideas concerning structure editing, can you please send me a direct message on slack? It's something I'm working on myself, and would love to read more.

mogenslund 2018-01-05T12:23:15.000026Z

Yes. I actually have no experience with structural editing, but I will let you know if I come across something. I realized I do not need a special buffer to implement structural editing in Liquid. I can just do an "app". I have uploaded a very immature prof of concept: "treeapp.clj". It uses the to navigate the code structure. I have implemented a very primitive list-to-text to display the state. (External tool might be used for that. I do not mind dependencies as long as they used in extensions and not in Liquid core.) Just open the file in Liquid and press E (shift+e) to load the content. Press F5 to load the demo app. (Just press F5 each time you want to start over.) Now you can navigate around with jkli (Just random keymapping.) Use x to delete current S-expression. Use L to insert "something". Use C-g to exit app. It is just to explore structural navigation. No editing has been implmented and content is hardcoded.

qqq 2018-01-05T12:40:49.000100Z

did you just add x, L, C just now (I was reading, and could have sworn it said no editing yet)

qqq 2018-01-05T12:41:07.000173Z

n/m, I misread

qqq 2018-01-05T12:41:29.000061Z

I really like the way how you have built this "vocab" of editor/cmd, it's very "forth-like"