
seancorfield 2019-01-05T03:41:07.045700Z

Works beautifully! Thank you!

mogenslund 2019-01-05T08:16:39.046100Z

Great! Thank you too 🙂

bvs 2019-01-05T09:20:03.047600Z

@mogenslund Is there any relatively easy way to get the same integration for leiningen as you now have for clj? I mean having liquid as a dep defined. Installation of clojure on windows is still through leiningen or boot, so I'm missing out on the integration part of liquid into projects.

mogenslund 2019-01-05T09:34:07.048100Z

Hi @bvs Yes. You can set [mogenslund/liquid "1.0.0"] as dependency in project.clj. If you want liquid to start on "lein run" set :main "dk.salza.liq.core" If you have want to customize how liquid is loaded, point :main to your own namespace through which liquid is loaded. See as an example of a customized load. In that case you would have :main "lsk.core".

mogenslund 2019-01-05T10:04:13.049700Z

I have now extended with a Leiningen example. I often configure my projects, so I can start liquid with "lein edit". This leaves "lein run" and "lein repl" for default behavior.

bvs 2019-01-05T16:44:19.050500Z

thanks. looks like it works. lein edit is a nice twist. will use that.