is it possible to close a buffer in liquid?
Yes. :bd or :bd! to force close, if it is dirty.
To use more SpaceMacs style use: [space b k]
even after I run :bd the buffers are still in my buffer list. Is that expected?
For instance: I'm opening links in help. and after I read one I don't want it to clutter my buffer list anymore. But :bd doesn't seem to do that.
Each help topic has its own buffer. So only the current help topic buffer will close when doing :bd. Is that what you are experiencing? If so it is by "design"... Or lack of need. But needs might change of cause.
So weird... didn't seem like any of them were closing a minute ago but now everything is closing as expected!
Great 🙂
Thank you for the help!
I have more questions but please don't feel any pressure to answer them right away.
whenever you have time is fine.
No problem. You can just ask. And good to know that I do not need to rush 👍 🙂
Is it possible to send commands to a running instance of liquid in a repl?
Either from the terminal or inside liquid? I know you can evaluate statements in a buffer but I can't seem to find the interactive repl to send expressions to.
Hmm. Writing a form in a buffer and evaluating it corresponds directly to evaluation in a repl. It is just buffer based instead of line based. How to solve "your problem", I think depends on, what you are trying to achieve. For example, it would be relatively easy to start a server inside Liquid that accepts a string of code "from outside", which can be evaluated. I think it would also be possible to implement a "line based" shell inside Liquid as a separate mode. I just have not found the advantage compared to evaluation directly in a (possibly temporary) buffer.
Yes. Got it. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.