Took me a while to figure out how to actually get OBS to start streaming and how to get all the bits and pieces configured but I did eventually create a short livestream of a REPL-based workflow for working on a web app -- which is what some non-Clojure folks had asked me to walk them through.
It was a bit scrappy so I deleted it, but at least now I know the process.
The quality of the video over the code wasn't as good as I would have liked -- the set up guide suggests playing with the frame rate (I took the default of 30 fps). Worth lowering it to make things less choppy?
I've only used, but just clicked on the link
every time I look at a live coding site, I feel like my emacs/cider setup is woefully inadequate
I'll be live streaming with Atom / ProtoREPL -- I'm happy with that (after several years of Emacs/CIDER).
cool; when will you livestream ?
I just realized now redirects to
I may start some streaming tomorrow...
if I'm around, I'll join; I think having cljojure experts live streaming will benefit the community
Oh, the first stream is going to be a very basic workflow stream with a dummy project example...
My non-Clojure friends can't imagine developing an app using a live REPL into the app, so I'm going to demo that.
Well, I finally got it running on Windows (sort of) but my system is underpowered. I was more successful on my big Mac earlier 🙂
I can run youtube, jvm, emacs, figwheel without my mbp fan spinning
I turn on OBS @ 1920x1080 -- the fn spins up
Yea, obs uses some CPU. Real time encoding needs power. But thats what the CPU is here for:smile:
everyone should just use emacs; then someone should write a elisp plugin taht livescreams emacs buffers to html
I thought my Dell XPS 12 would be a lot more powerful than the little Linux netbook (System 76) I used to carry around... now I'm not so sure... My next machine is going to be a high-end Microsoft Surface for sure.
The WSL is pretty solid in the latest build (15002) but I need Win10 Pro for Docker etc. Sigh.
Seriously first world problems.
@seancorfield Do you develop or more managerial stuff?
@seancorfield : here's my first world problem: my mbp only supports 2 external 1920x1080 monitors 😞
@sveri Well, technically I have no one reporting to me 🙂 I primarily develop systems. Even when I manage developers.
@seancorfield I cannnot imagine developing any stuff on such a "small" thing. Even working on it for several hours. Except you have a docking station of course and extra keyboard / monitors.
Any Laptop / Tablet is small for me. I need at least two screens, a dedicated keyboard and Mouse, a lot of space for sheets and paper and at its best a Box where i can exchange hardware myself.
Ah, ok. Yes, my day job has a 27" screen.