Hi, I’m trying to use clojure-lsp
via Spacemacs. When I’m trying to jump to a definition of a core function I get buffer /Users/achikin/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.520/clojurescript-1.10.520.jar:cljs/core.cljs exists
And buffer does not open
@achikin Hey, by any chance you are using shadow-cljs ?
@zilvinasu no, I use lein-figwheel and it was not connected.
@achikin I see, since for me go to definition did not work due to having not the most recent build of clojure-lsp, to have the recent one, you need to build from master
I also found several re-frame subscriptions related issues. Will file a bit later. I can’t screenshot proprietary code.
@achikin I suggest you to install via Nix which has the latest version too https://github.com/snoe/clojure-lsp#nixos