@snoe The update looks great for the schema.core
fixes, thanks for that.
About the midje support, two points:
• It's super common to require midje as :require [midje.sweet :referr :all]
, this way, clojure-lsp
keeps to not find the fact/facs/=> macros 😔
• The assertion works only for =>
macro, midje
has currently 5 macros for test assertion: https://github.com/marick/Midje/wiki/Checkable-arrows
@ericdallo it works for me 😕 Is midje in the classpath given to lsp? i.e. lein classpath
? You could also try deleting your .lsp/sqlite.1.db
Oh, gonna try that!
There could be an ordering problem where a user namespace with a refer all is parsed before the referred namespace, but I don't think that should happen when the referred namespace is in a jar.
Sorry, I was testing in a old release 🤦
no worries
It works!
sweet 😉 O
I've got a release with the arrows going out
Nice! Sorry for noticing this only now, but it looks like the tabular macro is not fully supported yet 😔
I think is the last midje problem
I'll post a example here
With tabular macro, you can use this ?
Again, sorry for reporting this only now
I think this problem is the same for datalog
/ datomic
my understanding is that datalog uses quoted queries, so it's a bit different.
So fact
effectively does a let
of left side ?
-prefixed bindings to be used on the right side?
no, this is a tabular
thing... it's just common to use a fact to describe the kind of test and the assertion... but the support for ?variables
is from tabular
you can invert and do something like this too
is that right? it seems the tabular form would still include the headings and body?
also, the explicit syntax seems far easier to parse might just support that https://github.com/marick/Midje/wiki/Tabular-facts#explicit-syntax
Sorry, i didn't know about that, but I think it's better too
In Nubank, we have a bunch of tests that use this pattern for tests
Is there any way where we can make clojure-lsp
add all functions/macros from a :refer :all
to a workspace?
Or maybe just some config to accept some functions/macros like #clj-kondo does https://github.com/borkdude/clj-kondo/blob/master/doc/config.md#exclude-unresolved-symbols-from-being-reported