FYI: I removed the clojure-lsp
autobump, next releases should contain one or more PRs/fixes
Did I miss something? Now when I sort my namespaces, it reformats them too
from this
[ :as baz])
(:require [ :as baz])
Hum, we have a flag to toggle this behavior, it's called: :keep-require-at-start?
that is false by default
so it should indent to the first case if this flag is not set
oh, thanks breaking for me
BTW, how do you are formatting your workspace?
shouldn't it keep the original behaviour, then toggle to the new behaviour?
via lsp-format-buffer or via the clean-ns code action?
Like this...(a moment)
nnoremap <silent> crcn :call CocRequest('clojure-lsp', 'workspace/executeCommand', {'command': 'clean-ns', 'arguments': [Expand('%:p'), line('.') - 1, col('.') - 1]})<CR>
> shouldn't it keep the original behaviour, then toggle to the new behaviour? Yeah, this is the default behavior since implemented, maybe we introduced a bug with recent changes
via code actions then
I have this in my $HOME/.lsp/config.edn
:keep-require-at-start? true
that's why it's formatting as:
(:require [ :as baz])
you can fix your issue setting it to false or removing that line
fixed 🙂
set to false
Thank you! 🙂
You're welcome 😉
btw, very happy you're rolling up the releases now 🙂
I had panic attacks looking at my emails to see notifications of new releases 🙂
less churn in the arch world
yeah, it was annoying me too 😅
I'm not sure the process is working 100% though, but let' see
BTW I'll release a necessary fix right now 😂
I can cope 🙂
@snoe This looks a bit suspicious:
Also this:
I probably should have given this feedback before I merged ;)
@snoe Anyway, maybe you could fix these:
$ ./clj-kondo --lint src test
src/clj_kondo/impl/analyzer/namespace.clj:431:15: warning: unused binding meta-name
test/clj_kondo/analysis_test.clj:99:46: warning: unused binding locals
test/clj_kondo/analysis_test.clj:99:54: warning: unused binding local-usages
linting took 1115ms, errors: 0, warnings: 3
yes, sorry about that
@borkdude would you like a new pr or ?
yes please?
I'm not sure if these are errors in your code, since meta-name
wasn't used at all
yeah, it wasn't needed. unfortunately I'm working in the dark ages as I've blown up my lsp to do this stuff :)
@snoe You can always enable clj-kondo via old-fashioned flycheck + the installed binary