@brandon.ringe With this https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/pull/1147 fix we now show correctly the range for textDocument/documentSymbol
About the returned symbols, I'm thinking that the first element (always the current ns/file) does not makes much sense, what about showing only the functions/vars?
For example, in emacs we show unnecessarily the ns again:
I think file
-> function
it'd be enough, instead of file
-> my-ns
-> function
That sounds good to me
Can try it out at least and make sure it looks good
Ok, I'll open a PR for you to test it, ok?
:reviewplease: https://github.com/clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp/pull/281
:clojure-lsp: Released https://github.com/clojure-lsp/clojure-lsp/releases/tag/2021.01.26-22.35.27 version of clojure-lsp
improving memory usage 🎉, let me know if you find any issues.