Hello 🙂 I wonder how we could correct this: with Cider activated, I usually can auto complete my refers in my import section. With LSP this behavior seems to be overriden somehow, anyone got under the same issue?
Hum, you mean with LSP the completions inside refer doesn't work?
For example
Need to recheck that, but I think we implemented that
(ns user
(:require [clojure.string :refer (upp)]))
if the cursor is on the on the last p of upp, then we should suggets upper-case
As of now, I have the feeling that the linter goes crazy and tells me I am not using upp
Shouldnt upp be wrapped with square brackets?
no it can be either of them
TIL 😅 Anyway, not sure that is related. I can double check if that is working properly in a few minutes
Yeah, we are missing this feature 😕
Feel free to open a issue, I can work on it on the weekend 🙂
Thanks! Maybe, delegate this feature to Cider?
not really, cider is specific for emacs, clojure-lsp is a server for vim/emacs/calva and other editors
also users that don't use cider wouldn't have that
ah oki!
It's not hard to fix I think
voilà 🙂 Thanks a lot for your help.
Thank you 😄