
:clojure-lsp: Clojure implementation of the Language Server Protocol:

How can you define the root folder for Lsp in a project?

ericdallo 2021-05-31T20:18:10.090Z

Are you using lsp-mode?

ericdallo 2021-05-31T20:18:34.090200Z

If so, it's set by lsp-mode, as the workspace

ericdallo 2021-05-31T20:19:03.090400Z

You can remove/re-add with lsp-workspqce-folders-remove and then lsp

ericdallo 2021-05-31T20:19:14.090600Z

Then lsp-mode will ask what is the project root

ericdallo 2021-05-31T20:19:33.090800Z

Also, double check if you have lsp-auto-guess-root disabled