is it possible to check where is the .clj-kondo/config.edn
loaded in a lsp session?
I would like to ensure the project config is loaded instead of my global config
I am not familiar with clojure-lsp
project, but this ( means that clojure-lsp is not reading any clj-kondo/config.edn files? or the copy-configs
option should be enough to make it work?
this namespace does not have an explicit "read clj-kondo config" statement
Yes, all of that is handled by clj-kondo, we don't tell clj-kondo to use specific config, it checks automatically by project config or ~/.config/clj-kondo/config.edn
I have this in .clj-kondo/config.edn
in project root folder
{:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:exclude []}
:unresolved-var {:exclude [sql/raw sql/call sql/format]}}
and yet the Error List to my project is filled with these msgs:@borkdude can help here but I think you should use the full qualified symbol in the exclude?
@iagwanderson is the namespace called sql
or is this an alias?
an alias
that might be it, I will test asap
yeah, you should use the full namespace name
@iagwanderson btw, is this for honeysql?
I have this in my own config:
honeysql.util/defalias clojure.core/def
honeysql.helpers/defhelper clojure.core/def
this will resolve the correct vars (after analyzing honeysql again)
Yeah, if you have the chance to teach the linter instead of suppress the warning, I think it's better
you also get better auto-completions for it
because ... LSP rules!
ohh.. nice! thanks @borkdude I didn't know about this option
perfect! just tried that out. thanks again