using the re-frame profile, what is this code used for in core.cljs
(def pages
{:home #'home-page
:about #'about-page})
isn't that relation made in the router a few lines down?
(def router
[["/" {:name :home
:view #'home-page
:controllers [{:start (fn [_] (rf/dispatch [:page/init-home]))}]}]
["/about" {:name :about
:view #'about-page}]]))
i deleted it from my project and it seems to work fine. is it meant to be used for something, or is it unused/extra code?Are multi-statement migrations supported in regular migrations?
I created a dump from within mariadb and would like to use that as a seeding migration
I can re-import it with the bare mysql / mariadb command but I'm getting errors when trying to do that via (migrate)
Ooooooh I need to split the different statements with --;
. Is this mentioned somewhere?
@slack1490 looks like extra code, which is not needed