
joefromct 2020-04-14T20:07:02.021900Z

Hi everyone, I'm trying to delpoy a simple luminus app with +swagger +immutant to WildFly and i'm getting the error below when attempting to run the reitit.swagger-ui/create-swagger-ui-handle bit for one of my routes.... works "locally" with a lein run however. > ERROR [my-test.middleware.exception] (default task-1) No matching field found: isDirectory for class$ZipFileInflaterInputStream: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching field found: isDirectory for class$ZipFileInflaterInputStream Any ideas on how I may be able to work around this? thanks,

Spaceman 2020-04-14T21:38:46.023200Z

Hello. In the Luminus template, what is the best way to specify development and production keys? Is it by putting them in project.clj using env? I I'm inquisitive because there is also an env directory in the Luminus template, and using that might be a better way? But I'm not sure how to use the env directory to store my production and development keys. I couldn't find any documentation on that on the Luminus website especially because I'm using heroku for production. How will the production keys work then? There's a config.edn for development and production both. I suppose the environment variables go in that. But does that mean that I don't set the environment variables on heroku itself? Are there any drawbacks to doing that?

Spaceman 2020-04-14T21:41:53.024500Z

in any case, I tried this but it didn't work. {:foo "bar"} in config.edn and then using it like (:require [myapp.config :refer [env]]) and then (:foo env). Is this the correct usage of the environment variable?