
:lumo: Standalone ClojureScript environment. Currently at version 1.9.0

I'm going to do workshop soon with my live-coding app, but I didn't think to ask myself, what's the status of lumo on text editors other than emacs? Vim and atom work too?


speaking of lumo in text editor @richiardiandrea does your emacs freeze in inf-clojure+lumo when you do C-c M-n to change namespace?

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:26:55.337630Z

@hlolli need to try that, will report back 😁 It used to work

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:28:29.343674Z

If the ns is big and with macros there is a pause yes, probably it is a sync operation and takes a while to complete

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:29:32.348166Z

If I send multiple forms I see it continuing after the first, evaluating the others so I usually just wait


ok, because if I evaluate a ns block, it changes namespaces subsecond, but the keybinding needs few minutes to wait until I do pkill lumo


I had my old inf-clojure to run change namespace on every C-M x, very comfortable not to think about changing namespaces, but I'm not sure if others agree.

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:35:45.375481Z

What you describe looks like different my case it never actually needs kill...macros can take a while to if you do in-ns in Lumo does freeze the same?


ah yes I see what you mean, but I usually delte the .lumo-cache and start lumo again and have it compile the macro namespaces. But long time after I do that this freezing occours. I can try in-ns...


works instantly

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:39:14.390061Z

Ok so in that case it is weird and maybe a bug in inf-clojure

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:40:10.394393Z

Maybe you can open an issue in there, listing the required libs on that I can reproduce 😁


ok, I can do that, but you say you can't reproduce immeadiately?

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:40:45.397310Z

Also if this is with socket or stdio

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:40:47.397438Z



ah ok

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:41:20.399693Z

Do you have my patch in?


I tried both checking out your PR and the master

richiardiandrea 2017-06-17T15:44:17.411204Z

Uhm ok so this needs some debugging


I can look into it, maybe it's on my side, I'll try later today to run lumo differently, but I'm now programming hard against the clock 🙂

😅 1