
:lumo: Standalone ClojureScript environment. Currently at version 1.9.0
clj.max 2017-06-22T03:33:32.012504Z


clj.max 2017-06-22T03:33:46.014112Z

Really liking Lumo so far, rewriting some of my Ruby scripts in it

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:33:55.015160Z

But I can't seem to get CMD line args to work

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:35:04.023759Z

Any ideas? Should it work?

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:35:28.026749Z

Seems like if I set a -main function it should receive the args, but it doesn't seem to get called 😞

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:55:02.164590Z

@clj.max the -main function is only executed if you pass the -m my-ns.core args

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:55:23.167135Z

Where my-ns.core is a namespace in the classpath

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:55:35.168609Z


clj.max 2017-06-22T03:55:56.171104Z

do I need to require the arg binding somehow?

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:55:58.171503Z

Otherwise you have lumo.core/*command-line-args*

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:56:21.174173Z

Those will be set to whatever comes after your script

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:56:48.177301Z

Example: lumo -c src myscript.cljs arg1 arg2

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:57:31.182232Z

*command-line-args* will be set to '("arg1" "arg2")

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:57:42.183405Z

ah, I didn't put the lumo.core

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:57:43.183552Z

that's it

clj.max 2017-06-22T03:57:44.183702Z

thanks 🙂

anmonteiro 2017-06-22T03:57:50.184364Z


dominicm 2017-06-22T08:26:20.830884Z

@richiardiandrea eagerly awaiting experimentation with teavm on maven 😉

😅 1