@moxaj merged your PR. if you’re up for it, the next step is adding this support in lumo.closure
I think you had something like that working already if I’m not mistaken
or it might just be the case that it works out of the box
Yoooo https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo/commit/452ef43d7d928cd0f2aeb8be5eab466821b46fcd
I'm so glad to finally get that merged; it's been a fair number of months in the making!
yeah, I’m excited. It’s a significant feature
if you’re on a mac you can probably get a build of the master checkout if you run brew install --HEAD lumo
not like you don’t know what it does 😉
ooo, neat; I'm gonna do that tomorrow at work (where I've got a mac. it's all Linux at home :))
@futuro so once this build finishes running https://travis-ci.org/anmonteiro/lumo/builds/249253022?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification
you can download a binary from http://s3.amazonaws.com/lumo-linux/lumo.zip
trying to use lumo to build some source files, but I get EINVAL: invalid argument, utime '<...>\out\cljs\core.cljs'
stacktrace is
Object.fs.utimesSync (fs.cljs:1235:11)
Function.lumo.closure.jar_file_to_disk.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1589:11)
lumo.closure._compile.object (evalmachine.<anonymous>:1675:21)
Function.lumo.closure.map_async.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4 (evalmachine.<anonymous>:2118:105)
Function.lumo.closure.map_async.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (evalmachine.<anonymous>:2107:31)
Function.lumo.closure.compile_sources.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4 (evalmachine.<anonymous>:2276:35)
might be a windows specific issue^ simple fix, opened a PR
turns out it's not fixed yet! :white_frowning_face:
it seems like the timestamp aquired by Date.getTime
is to be interpreted as milliseconds, but fs.utimes(Sync)
expects seconds
and windows isn't particularly happy when I try to set the last modified date on a file to 08/07/49471 @ 11:07am (UTC)
@anmonteiro with those prs, I can build, but with :source-maps true
I need the cljs uberjar on the classpath, and that doesn't sound right to me
otherwise cljs/core.aot.js.map
is missing
hrm I think we remove it from the classpath manually
I mean, build using lumo.build.api
do you think that’s this issue? https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo/issues/132
might be, the issue says It's not always this exact message, but it seems to always be something that's not defined.
however I'm getting omg it happened
(io/resource "cljs/core.aot.js.map")
returns nil, in lumo.compiler/emit-cached-core
I have verified that it works with 1.4.1, but not with 1.5.0
and I have a hunch this line is the cause: https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo/blob/22d210abf51a4a93218857cd780b58024176eabb/scripts/package.js#L50
ah yeah
you’re probably right