
:lumo: Standalone ClojureScript environment. Currently at version 1.9.0
grav 2018-05-15T06:25:55.000028Z

Is it me or is the lumo-cljs npm package broken?

$ npm i -g lumo-cljs
                throw new Error("Corrupted zip : can't find end of central directory");

Error: Corrupted zip : can't find end of central directory
    at ZipEntries.readEndOfCentral (/home/grav/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.1/lib/node_modules/lumo-cljs/node_modules/jszip/lib/zipEntries.js:176:23)

richiardiandrea 2018-05-15T11:46:58.000339Z

@grav that error happened every now and then, it should not happen anymore cause we moved away from JSZip. Is it consistent? Can you try the newer 1.9.0-alpha

grav 2018-05-15T12:32:44.000532Z

That does not seem to be available via npm?

npm i lumo-cljs@1.9.0-alpha
npm ERR! code ETARGET
npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for lumo-cljs@1.9.0-alpha
I did install the 1.9.0-alpha binary previously directly, which worked.

grav 2018-05-15T12:33:54.000111Z

The error is consistent with 1.8.0 using npm, yes. Maybe a re-upload would be good to newcomers? 🙂

richiardiandrea 2018-05-15T17:30:30.000547Z

We have that error here, so I switched to installing the binary directly

richiardiandrea 2018-05-15T17:30:58.000441Z

I think my yauzl PR will solve this but we are not going to see the effects of it until the next npm release

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:32:05.000656Z

hey folks, is there any jar file for lumo ? I'm righting a library and I want it to be compatible with lumo

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:33:54.000452Z

@lxsameer what do you mean

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:34:38.000270Z

as far as i understand lumo is only a npm package, right ?

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:34:49.000193Z


anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:34:59.000215Z

Lumo happens to be distributed on NPM

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:35:08.000428Z

but it’s also available on other package managers

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:35:23.000276Z

but there’s no “JAR file” for Lumo. I don’t really know how that would look like

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:35:27.000416Z

Lumo is a binary executable

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:35:42.000108Z

what would a “JAR file for Node” mean to you for example?

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:36:48.000433Z

for example I like to use <|> in my lib

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:38:08.000331Z

so I need clojurescript compiler to be able to find it, I have to use lumo as either as a npm package or a clojure dependency

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:38:12.000343Z

am i right ?

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:38:49.000304Z

I don’t think so

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:38:58.000383Z

Lumo is a binary that includes all those namespaces bundled within

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:39:08.000188Z

so you really do need to use the Lumo executable to test those namespaces

anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:39:25.000220Z

IIRC @mfikes put out a package for testing in self-hosted environments

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:40:09.000406Z

hmmm ok, now i get it

lxsameer 2018-05-15T18:40:10.000547Z


anmonteiro 2018-05-15T18:40:15.000614Z

happy to help

richiardiandrea 2018-05-15T18:44:30.000409Z

about IO, once abio takes off that could be imported for both JVM and lumo/planck Cljs code bases

mfikes 2018-05-15T18:49:09.000220Z

For testing in self-hosted environments there is Tach, and an upcoming release of doo will also support it. (Or you can easily write your own test runner and invoke it via -m or whatnot)