
:lumo: Standalone ClojureScript environment. Currently at version 1.9.0

@borkdude this probably won't work with native node modules. But I'm also not sure what your use case is, just throwing it out there.

borkdude 2018-05-30T07:23:22.000301Z

I have no idea how native node modules work

borkdude 2018-05-30T07:23:39.000476Z

but yeah it would probably break down there

borkdude 2018-05-30T10:50:50.000102Z

so for now the deps + deploy on server probably is going to be: git pull, yarn install and for running, just lumo + some options

borkdude 2018-05-30T11:37:58.000457Z

btw, I would assume native modules would also break the single js file deploy


The nice thing about wasm, is that you can convert the binary to a base64 and bundle it in single js file. But yeh, no way with native modules.

borkdude 2018-05-30T17:35:50.000242Z

is anyone using cljs-ajax on node perhaps?

borkdude 2018-05-30T17:40:22.000577Z

borkdude 2018-05-30T18:02:47.000386Z

tried promesa, but their alet macro is not supported in self-hosted cljs

richiardiandrea 2018-05-30T18:05:27.000440Z

@borkdude I am on a quest to post stuff to self-host, promesa is on my list but it is a difficult horse to tame

borkdude 2018-05-30T18:23:12.000117Z

I used got for now

borkdude 2018-05-30T18:26:25.000067Z

(.then (got WEATHER_API #js {:json true})
       #(let [body (js->clj (.-body %)
                            :keywordize-keys true)]

richiardiandrea 2018-05-30T19:30:05.000788Z


johanatan 2018-05-30T20:17:58.000516Z

does anyone see the problem here?:

ip-192-168-100-202:scripts jonathan$ lumo -sfKq --classpath `pwd`:/Users/jonathan/.m2/repository/clj-time/clj-time/0.14.2/clj-time-0.14.2.jar -A error
cljs.user=> (require '[clj-time.core :as t])
No such namespace: clj-time.core, could not locate clj_time/core.cljs, clj_time/core.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "clj-time.core"

johanatan 2018-05-30T20:19:25.000516Z

@borkdude this + reagent would be awesome:

richiardiandrea 2018-05-30T20:20:13.000340Z

@johanatan I am not sure that lib is self-host compatible

johanatan 2018-05-30T20:20:40.000030Z

it's the canonical example on the deps.edn announcement on

borkdude 2018-05-30T20:20:47.000068Z

@johanatan use cljs-time

johanatan 2018-05-30T20:20:54.000170Z

@borkdude ah, thx!

borkdude 2018-05-30T20:21:34.000317Z

or moment, which is a fine js lib

richiardiandrea 2018-05-30T20:22:01.000491Z

Typically Clojure does not work in self-host ootb - first problem is the namespace, should be .cljs, second problem is if there are macros involved

richiardiandrea 2018-05-30T21:02:04.000611Z

having fun 😄

borkdude 2018-05-30T21:04:42.000732Z

yeah, could probably make snake or tetris with this 😉


ha ha ha! I like!