
:lumo: Standalone ClojureScript environment. Currently at version 1.9.0
seancorfield 2018-06-27T00:14:28.000042Z

@richiardiandrea -- I added the ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test and then updated and installed libstdc++6... kinda brute force, but it works 🙂

richiardiandrea 2018-06-27T00:15:51.000012Z

uhm, yeah I will open a PR cleaning the mess up 🙂

richiardiandrea 2018-06-27T00:16:09.000141Z

it is probably due to the weird thing I am doing there with nvm

richiardiandrea 2018-06-27T00:16:12.000400Z

sorry about that!!

seancorfield 2018-06-27T01:06:17.000120Z

According to the Travis docs, nvm should already be installed. So, is this a matter of using nvm to install an earlier version of npm? Or is it Lumo itself that needs to have an older version installed?

seancorfield 2018-06-27T01:07:15.000170Z

All the research I did on the error suggested that the only two solutions are: 1. rebuild you app on the host system (so it uses the older libstdc++) 2. upgrade the host (so it has the new libstdc++)

richiardiandrea 2018-06-27T02:14:32.000037Z

Lumo includes node so it is just expecting the right libstd to be in the system - in the previous lumo version we were ok - lumo 1.9.0 needs a higher version - I guess if we do npm install lumo-cljs@1.8.0 we settle it once and for all

richiardiandrea 2018-06-27T02:16:00.000131Z

And probably we can get rid of the nvm line altogether