
:lumo: Standalone ClojureScript environment. Currently at version 1.9.0
grav 2018-07-25T06:50:53.000095Z

Is it possible to specify a closure define on compiletime from the environment? In shadow-cljs there's something like {:closure-defines {:my-define #shadow/env "MY_ENVVAR"}}, which goes in the shadow-cljs.edn config file


@grav you mean when compiling lumo or


and good news for nixos users, this eternal headache of getting it to work there, I hope I've ended it with this PR Basically no shortcut, blood sweat and tears were used to compile the whole thing from source, with every dependency targeted with sha-sums, node modules and jars.


and the way I compile it there, very verbose with clj, could be an alternative to compiling it with boot. As trying to make boot work in offline mode was a headache that I finally gave up on.

anmonteiro 2018-07-25T11:25:02.000195Z


anmonteiro 2018-07-25T11:25:05.000316Z

@hlolli you’re a hero

anmonteiro 2018-07-25T11:25:43.000040Z

but that looks so brittle

anmonteiro 2018-07-25T11:25:51.000056Z

and subject to breakage should we change any deps at all


yes, the change of deps wouldn't hurt. But I'd like to know how boot-cljs uses the build-api. So that I'm not requireing all these namespaces. As for the deps, it's aumomatically generated, both node and clojure deps, so I'd run it again for every new version.


specifically for this task I made which takes deps.edn and exports the nix expression with shasums


there's actually one bug in this, the binary is called directly, meaning the first cli parameter is ignored. I think I need to use wrapBinary (or just node process like on npm).


or sed process.argv.slice(2) to process.argv.slice(1) in src/js/cli.js

richiardiandrea 2018-07-25T14:34:33.000266Z


grav 2018-07-25T16:51:11.000302Z

@hlolli I guess through the API. I’m using a serverless plugin for lumo (or rather a lumo plugin for serverless), so I’m not using the api directly

richiardiandrea 2018-07-25T17:38:05.000090Z

@grav author of that plugin here 😄 I don't think you can populate the :closure-defines from the env vars in the serverless plugin...the plugin just accepts options from serverless-lumo.edn if I remember correctly

grav 2018-07-25T17:42:43.000404Z

@richiardiandrea Ah, yes that’s right - there’s not a config file for lumo itself. I’m mixing it with shadow-cljs.

grav 2018-07-25T17:43:09.000430Z

And thanks for the plugin btw 🙂

richiardiandrea 2018-07-25T17:45:00.000267Z

one thing you can do is to generate the serverless-lumo.edn file as part of one of the serverless lifecycle hooks

grav 2018-07-25T17:50:33.000432Z

And the edn file accepts :closure-defines?

mfikes 2018-07-25T18:50:54.000476Z

Hrm. This is odd. Trying to set :closure-defines manually doesn’t work in lumo:

cljs.user=> (set! js/ #js {"" "hi"})
#js {"" "hi"}
cljs.user=> (ns foo.core)
foo.core=> (goog-define bar "x")
foo.core=> bar

mfikes 2018-07-25T18:55:23.000384Z

(I was thinking that a workaround like this might be possible

richiardiandrea 2018-07-25T19:23:54.000419Z

the .edn is just passed as compiler options so in theory it should work

richiardiandrea 2018-07-25T19:25:31.000249Z

yep so just make sure you use :compiler as key: