Also, any idea whether having a long classpath would create issues? I'm doing lumo --classpath src:<very long classpath generated within Boot> build.cljs
, where build.cljs is:
(require '
( "src-temp"
{:optimizations :none,
:output-to "out/main.js",
:output-dir "out",
:cache-analysis true,
:source-map true,
:verbose true,
:watch-fn (fn [] (println "Success in watching!"))})
(ns blah.temp)
#?(:cljs (enable-console-print!))
(println "Hello world!")
But I just get:
Building ...
till there's an out-of-memory error.
By contrast, when I only pass src
as the classpath:
Building ...
Options passed to ClojureScript compiler: <options>
Copying <files>
Compiling <files>
... done. Elapsed 0.44 seconds
Success in watching!
Looks like the issue is not in
but rather
I will try to debug this at some point over the weekend but any pointers would be appreciated
Okay actually I just got it to compile once — Elapsed 401.48 seconds
though, and similar times on recompilation even when I only change that one tiny file (`blah.temp`), which doesn't really work for me haha. So yeah I will try to fix this
Just opened up — probably going to pause work on this pending a discussion there