I know @anmonteiro said he was looking to step back from lumo development. Is there a new person to contact for contributing to the project?
I think @anmonteiro still answers to the issues and is probably looking for a maintainer - let's ask him directly 😄
Thanks. I only ask because I have a PR in limbo and wanted to make sure I poked the right person if necessary.
Thank you for your feedback on said PR, btw. 🙂
ah ah ok yes, I can push buttons, but didn't really want to interfere too much and don't think I will have time for maintaining things...however I can approve stuff 🙂
I understand. I was hoping this was ready to merge, but after a couple weeks I started to think the suggestion for left-pad was serious... https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo/pull/493
Thanks! Good call on the clarity.