@sogaiu ah, great. Mind if I pester you for some details? What distro (and release) are you running? I just tried building in a Debian Buster chroot and ran into all sorts of JS dependency problems (and I’m a yarn / npm noob, so I wasn’t able to fix them).
I was able to globally install a bunch of npm deps, which got past a few errors, but I ultimately ran into some errors from google closure (about missing files), and it looks like the google clojure JS lib changed its directory structure about a year ago, so I was guessing that some part of the lumo build process needed to be updated to account for that
but if you got it to build that’s great! hopefully I can figure out how to repro a working build locally
here was the build script I was working on: https://gist.github.com/cellularmitosis/df87e0c962e184b8bd29c8a3f07f3db4
i used a xubuntu installation.
my local clj version is the same as what's in your script:
boot --version
$ boot --version
Downloading <https://github.com/boot-clj/boot/releases/download/2.8.3/boot.jar>...
#Sat Feb 08 02:00:42 GMT 2020
so i'm not sure if this just changed my boot version...
yarn --version gives 1.21.1
as far as java is concerned, it looks like i happened to be using a special build of openjdk 1.8.0_232 (it is a jvmci build -- iirc used for working with graalvm)
the actual command i ran to build lumo in the repository clone was:
boot release
i'll do another build using a fresh clone
thanks for the details!
np -- will let you know how the fresh build goes 🙂
hmm, maybe this is my problem
I was trying to build from a release, rather than HEAD
ah, may be so -- haven't tried with a release
fresh build worked fine -- just needed to run yarn before the boot command.
hmm, still hit the same problem when building HEAD:
throw firstError;
Error: A package is trying to access another package without the second one being listed as a dependency of the first one
Required package: babel-helper-evaluate-path (via "babel-helper-evaluate-path")
I'll try setting up an ubuntu chroot
i don't know if it will make any difference but fwiw my yarn version is 1.21.1