as one string? Maybe something like:
[:vector {:decode/string (partial str/split ",")} int?]
not near a computer, so not 100% sure it worksfirst splits the string, the decodes parts string->int
Thanks, I'll give that a try. I came up with this but your solution seems simpler:
(defn ids?
"Takes in a string and returns true if that string is of the form
1,4,7,9 or a sequence (in the math sense) of positive integers."
(let [ids (-> data
(clojure.string/split #",")
(as-> ids (mapv #(Integer/parseInt %) ids)))]
(every? pos? ids)))
(def GetClassesQueryOptions
[:approved {:optional true} boolean?]
[:instructors {:optional true} [:fn (fn [ids] (ids? ids))]]
[:machine {:optional true} [:fn (fn [ids] (ids? ids))]]
[:music {:optional true} [:fn (fn [ids] (ids? ids))]]
[:bookmarked {:optional true} boolean?]
[:minlength {:optional true} int?]
[:maxlength {:optional true} pos?]])
It's good to keep decoding and validation in separate steps. @alexmiller has many times called the spec conform "a meat grinder", as it bundles the two and runs the transformations every time.