malli :malli:
Elso 2020-08-25T12:09:11.015Z

"No implementation of method: :-form of protocol: #'malli.core/Schema found for class: clojure.core$int_QMARK_"
Version bumped from "0.0.1-20200404.091302-14" to "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT". Validating with
(->> (m/decode schema data mt/string-transformer)
     (m/explain schema)
and a schema like
  [:something [:map
                [:a int?]]]
and input data like
{:something {:a 10}}

Elso 2020-08-25T12:09:59.015300Z

What's going on here?

Elso 2020-08-25T13:19:25.015500Z

Apparently, my example was not telling the important part and the breaking change was that this: [:map [:issue keyword? :user-endpoint string?]] used to work but is now required to be [:map [:issue keyword?] [:user-endpoint string?]]

Elso 2020-08-25T13:19:44.015700Z

Which seems quite reasonable

ikitommi 2020-08-25T15:56:31.015900Z

plan is to describe malli schema syntax using malli to get humanized errors on invalid syntax

👍 1