malli :malli:
ikitommi 2020-09-03T05:23:30.038Z

@jeroenvandijk wanted to test the lazy registries.

(require '[malli.core :as m])
(require '[malli.registry :as mr])
Given a data-source that can map names to schemas:
(def schema-provider
  {"int" :int
   "map" [:map [:x "int"]]
   "maps" [:vector "map"]})
We can compose a registry that uses both local and lazy/external resolving:
(defn LazyRegistry [default-registry]
  (let [cache* (atom {})
        registry* (atom nil)]
          (-schema [_ name]
            (or (@cache* name)
                (do (println "loading" (pr-str name))
                    (when-let [schema (schema-provider name)]
                      (swap! cache* assoc name (m/schema schema {:registry @registry*}))
          (-schemas [_] @cache*))))))

(def registry (LazyRegistry m/default-registry))
Using the registry (either swap the m/default-registry or pass as argument:
(count (mr/-schemas registry))
; => 125

(m/validate "map" {:x 1} {:registry registry})
;loading "map"
;loading "int"
; => true

(m/validate "map" {:x 1} {:registry registry}) ;; cached
; => true

(count (mr/-schemas registry))
; => 127

(m/validate "maps" [{:x 1}] {:registry registry})
;loading "maps"
; => true

(count (mr/-schemas registry))
; => 128
Schemas are first class :refs:
(m/schema "map" {:registry registry})
; => "map"

(m/-deref (m/schema "map" {:registry registry}))
; => [:map [:x "int"]]
Hope this helps.


@ikitommi Thanks for sharing. I think it’s almost what I need. I’m puzzling how to deal with the (lazy) dispatch on a map key. In clojure.spec I would use multimethods and multispec:

(defmulti resource-type :Type)

(s/def :aws.cfn/resource (s/multi-spec resource-type :Type))

;; Some random examples
(defmethod resource-type "AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker" [_]
(defmethod resource-type "AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration" [_]
(defmethod resource-type "AWS::ApiGateway::Account" [_] :aws.api-gateway/account)
(defmethod resource-type "AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey" [_] :aws.api-gateway/api-key)
If I can do this dispatch somehow, with your suggestion I think I have all I need


I’ll study the :multi schema and see if that is the missing piece

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:08:46.042800Z

s/multi-spec is open & mutable, :multi is closed & immutable.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:09:40.043500Z

so here, I think a lazy multi variant would be needed.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:12:15.045700Z

a) lazy multi, with immutable values

[:multi {:dispatch :type, :children children-fn}]
b) mutable multi, backed by a custom (mutable) multimethod:
[:multi {:dispatch :type, :children my-multimethod}]

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:12:58.046500Z

… actually would be the same code, it’s in user-space whether to allow overriding the keys.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:13:16.047Z

should not be many loc to implement


Thanks. Makes sense. I’ll try to adapt

👍 1
ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:40:55.051Z

If you make a PR, would like that the default case (e.g. no :children key set) will not slow down -> the entry parsing will happen at schema creation time. for the case of dynamic childs - it would happen at runtime.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:41:49.052100Z

one question is: what happens if you create a validator, explainer or generator out of that schema: should the current children be used or should those be dynamic too.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T08:42:28.052800Z

e.g. if you add a branch after creating a validator, will the validators before that see it or not.


With clojure.spec I have one spec that contains all types. This gives you a suggestion in case the dispatch on type fails. E.g.

(s/def :cfn.all/Type #{"AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker" "AWS::AmazonMQ::Configuration" "AWS::ApiGateway::Account" "AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey" "AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer" "AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping" "AWS::ApiGateway::ClientCertificate" .....})
This is not ideal either because it doesn’t have spell-check functionality. But to answer your question, I don’t think, at least for my use case, everything has to be dynamic


@ikitommi The start of this seems to be simple indeed I’ve only added the validator part, not sure if the transformers and explainers will make things more painful

ikitommi 2020-09-03T15:57:13.057300Z

@jeroenvandijk just to Make sure: you do know all the possible dispatch keys in advance?

ikitommi 2020-09-03T15:57:33.058Z

(if so, there might be a simpler solution)


Yeah all the dispatch types are known in this case. The raw schema data is close to 1mb. So that's the main reason to do it lazy

ikitommi 2020-09-03T19:12:49.062200Z

@jeroenvandijk This would be a small change in :ref impl:

(defn LazyRegistry [default-registry f]
  (let [cache* (atom {})
        registry* (atom nil)]
          (-schema [_ name]
            (or (@cache* name)
                (do (println "loading" (pr-str name))
                    (when-let [schema (f name)]
                      (swap! cache* assoc name (m/schema schema {:registry @registry*}))
          (-schemas [_] @cache*))))))

(def registry
    {"map1" [:map [:type [:= "map1"]] [:x :int]]
     "map2" [:map [:type [:= "map2"]] [:y :int]]
     "map3" [:map [:type [:= "map3"]] [:z :int]]}))

  [:multi {:dispatch :type}
   ["map1" [:ref "map1"]]
   ["map2" [:ref "map2"]]
   ["map3" [:ref "map3"]]]
  {:type "map3", :z 1}
  {:registry registry
   ::m/lazy-refs true})
;loading "map3"
;=> true

ikitommi 2020-09-03T19:14:40.063800Z

new option :malli.core/lazy-refs that would control if the :refs are checked eagerly or lazily

ikitommi 2020-09-03T19:15:10.064300Z

or there could be a :lazy variant of :ref to make things explicit.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T19:16:23.065200Z

or a new property :lazy to :ref to mark it being lazy:

[:ref "map1"]

[:ref {:lazy true} "map1"]

ikitommi 2020-09-03T19:16:50.065700Z

I think that’s actually good.

ikitommi 2020-09-03T19:23:36.065900Z

ikitommi 2020-09-03T20:05:51.072Z

actually, we can push all the changes from user api (e.f. schema props) into extender api (here: lazy registry impl). This allows to write fully lazy multis:

[:multi {:dispatch :type}

ikitommi 2020-09-03T20:07:53.074600Z

(`:multi` uses the entry-syntax, like :map which allows single-value elements if they are valid schema reference types, now: just qualified keywords, should be strings too)