malli :malli:
ikitommi 2020-09-19T05:35:00.003Z

Malli now supports type-level properties (a breaking for extenders as there is a new protocol method in m/Schema) . Added a guide how to use them & also how to use non-registered Schemas.

ikitommi 2020-09-19T05:35:51.003200Z

ikitommi 2020-09-19T05:39:49.004Z

In short:

(def Over6
    {:type :user/over6
     :pred #(and (int? %) (> % 6))
     :type-properties {:error/message "shuould be over 6"
                       :json-schema/type "integer"}}))

(m/into-schema? Over6)
; => true

(-> (m/explain Over6 5) (me/humanize))
; => ["shuould be over 6"]

(json-schema/transform [Over6 {:json-schema/example 7}])
; => {:type "integer", :example 7}

pithyless 2020-09-19T12:45:18.006500Z

(m/explain Over6 "not-an-int") would not return the most obvious error. What is the idiomatic way to reuse and compose custom types? Something like this?

(def Over6
     {:type :user/over6  ;; is this required?
      :pred #(> % 6)
      :type-properties {:error/message "should be over 6"}}])

pithyless 2020-09-19T12:54:19.006700Z

I am currently using a custom version of -simple-schema (that allows setting custom error messages and generators). It's nice to see :type-properties added; maybe I can get rid of my custom code now. But I'm still struggling a bit with understanding how to best write custom types that don't need to re-implement predicate logic twice (once for validation, once for humanized errors); and how to compose things better.

pithyless 2020-09-19T12:56:53.006900Z

This Over6 is a great example of a custom type, where ideally I could take advantage of all of the logic from e.g. pos-int? or [:int {:min 7}] and possibly add only additional :pred and :error/message

pithyless 2020-09-19T12:58:43.007100Z

Or I could just be wrong. But this is currently the one thing I don't understand on how to do well, in an otherwise fantastic library. :)

schmee 2020-09-19T11:22:35.006400Z

hello 👋 just curious if anyone has tried to derive Postgres schemas from Malli schemas (or Malli -> DB schemas in general)?


Here is what I did, This was my first Mailli use, not saying it is awesome or prefect: Added properties to map schema that provide info about how to defiine a Postgres table to store the map:

(def Datafile
   [:map {:closed true
          :postgres/type :table
          :postgres/schema "slm"
          :postgres/table "datafile"
          :postgres/key-encoder (comp csk/->snake_case_keyword remove-trailing-? name)}
    [:id                {:optional true
                         :postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype :bigserial
                         :postgres/key  :primary} int?]
    [:serial-number     {:postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype [:varchar 64]
                         :postgres/null? false} string?]
    [:filename          {:postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype  [:varchar 64]
                         :postgres/null? false} string?]
    [:extension         {:postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype  [:varchar 8]
                         :postgres/null? false} string?]
    [:create-time       {:postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype :timestamptz
                         :postgres/null? false} :zoned-date-time]
    [:ingest-time       {:optional true
                         :postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype :timestamptz
                         :postgres/null? false} :zoned-date-time]
    [:complete?         {:optional true
                         :postgres/type :column
                         :postgres/datatype :boolean
                         :postgres/null? false} boolean?]
   {:registry registry}))
Then I wrote functions that create a DDL text file from this info. I also considered creating the table by connecting to the DB and directly creating it, but left that as an exercise for another day.... I also created functions that create a postgres-column-name-transformer And I created functions edn->postgres and postgres->edn that take a schema and a map, and returns a map that has been transformed per the schema. I found this pretty useful, and plan to continue to improve and use this going forward. There are cases where there is also some related web API, that has its own keys/values, and I did something similar for that, e.g. added properties that define the keys and datatypes of the API, and am able to create api->edn and edn->api functions to transform back and forth....

schmee 2020-09-19T19:53:56.007500Z

cool, thanks for sharing! 😄