malli :malli:
steveb8n 2020-10-12T02:33:27.116Z

I think a breaking change for the 1.0 release is ok. We know you plan to accrete only from 1.0

steveb8n 2020-10-12T02:34:03.116200Z

optional sci is great for the browser use case. making that the default is a good idea imho

steveb8n 2020-10-12T02:34:16.116400Z

I’m gonna use it server side also

Lucy Wang 2020-10-12T03:55:02.118400Z

@love.lagerkvist I'm using re-frame.core/reg-global-interceptor to verify the app-db matches my schema in every change, and prints an console warning if it doesn't conform. But is just a normal map (live inside an reagent.atom), so it's nothing special when using it with malli IMO.

👍 1
ikitommi 2020-10-12T05:35:49.122200Z

merged #277, non-breaking disabling & configuration of sci. Will make a 1.0.0 issue with suggestion to make swappable & explicit evaluator. Thanks @borkdude @steveb8n

ikitommi 2020-10-12T05:48:15.122300Z

good reason not yet to read sci-powered schemas from untrusted sources:

ikitommi 2020-10-12T05:48:47.122600Z

that's now linked in Malli Readme.

borkdude 2020-10-12T07:00:12.125900Z

@ikitommi note that termination safe does have impact on performance of realizing seqs (since it’s checked). I’m not sure if the issue about execution time is fundamentally solvable.

motform 2020-10-12T07:54:40.129100Z

@wxitb2017 that sounds about right, I’ll do that. However, I was also thinking if it was possible to co-locate/generate/properly infer an inital app-db directly from malli. It would be really nice to have a single source of truth, kind of like a reitit router with views, coercion and controllers. (it’s probably super possible and I have to dig more into malli or a very bad idea)

ikitommi 2020-10-12T08:44:29.129200Z

It is one of the harder problems in comp.sci ;) With Malli & sci, I concider safety as more important. Following the issue & pr on sci-side, happy to incorporate anything that is found for this.

borkdude 2020-10-12T08:51:02.133200Z

I think the fundamental solution would be to run the sci expression in a thread on the JVM and kill it if it takes too long or in a webworker in the browser and do the same.

borkdude 2020-10-12T08:51:20.133400Z

Maybe I should drop the termination-safe option as well - not sure.

ikitommi 2020-10-12T15:15:59.135800Z

You could have a Malli schema defined for the app-db, with default and create the initial state from those, e.g.

(defn create [?schema]
  {:validator (m/validator ?schema)
   :explainer (m/explainer ?schema)
   :initial (m/decode ?schema nil (mt/default-value-transformer))})

(create [:map {:default {}}
         [:user [:map {:default {}}
                 [:first-name [:string {:min 1, :default ""}]]
                 [:last-name [:string {:min 1, :default ""}]]]]])
;{:validator #object[...],
; :explainer #object[...],
; :initial {:user {:first-name "", :last-name ""}}}
inferring is powerful, but not fully accurate, e.g. is something a vector of things of a tuple of always 2.

ikitommi 2020-10-12T15:16:27.136500Z

(the mt/default-transformer could have an option to create empty maps by default…)