malli :malli:
y.khmelevskii 2021-01-02T02:35:02.341500Z

Hi! I would like to ask about feature request for malli.generator. It would be great to support relations and constrains like in For example

(def schema
  {:user {:prefix :u
          :spec   ::user}
   :post {:prefix    :p
          :spec      ::post
          :relations {:created-by-id [:user :id]}}
   :like {:prefix      :l
          :spec        ::like
          :relations   {:post-id       [:post :id]
                        :created-by-id [:user :id]}
          :constraints {:created-by-id #{:uniq}}}})
Is it make sense for malli roadmap?

ikitommi 2021-01-02T09:41:38.341700Z

@y.khmelevskii specmonstah does a lot of things and it might be generic enough to support malli easily. Would you like to investigate / suggest that to specmonstah maintainers?

ikitommi 2021-01-02T09:44:18.341900Z

but, please write the issue to malli repo, so it's on potential backlog. The idea is good, would use that myself.

ikitommi 2021-01-02T09:45:29.342100Z


steveb8n 2021-01-06T22:37:27.353200Z

I use specmonstah so I'm interested in this issue as well

pithyless 2021-01-07T00:12:36.355900Z

FYI - There is a fork of specmonstah meant to support malli, but I havenโ€™t been tracking it so not sure how baked it is:

๐Ÿ‘ 2
steveb8n 2021-01-07T00:19:49.356300Z

maybe we should suggest a name change for the fork ๐Ÿ™‚