malli :malli:
hansbugge 2021-01-11T15:11:29.360100Z

None of the comparator schemas have default error messages, e.g.,

(-> (m/explain [:> 0] -1)
    :errors first me/error-message)
;; => "unknown error"
Is there a good reason why some simple error functions haven't been added to malli.error/default-errors other than "no-one has done it yet"? 🙂

ordnungswidrig 2021-01-12T08:28:47.360900Z

is :> only valid for numbers or for any comparable?

hansbugge 2021-01-12T09:04:41.361100Z

In Clojure it is only valid for numbers. I'm not sure about Clojurescript.

ordnungswidrig 2021-01-12T09:32:39.361300Z

Oh, I never thought about that.

hansbugge 2021-01-11T15:40:53.360200Z

I've opened a PR with suggestions for some simple error functions

ikitommi 2021-01-11T18:40:53.360600Z

Merged the PR, thanks!

👍 1