no need to wrap into :and
, this works too: [:string {:min 0, :max 100, :gen/min 10, :gen/max 20, :gen/fmap (partial * 2)}]
the default schema generators are implemented as multimethods, so for global effects, one can just re-mount generator fof 'inst?
for example. not recommended.
final change to figure out proper names for named branch -variants for: :cat
, :alt
and :or
. they are currently :cat*
, :alt*
and :or*
[:s :string]
[:i :int]]]
[1 "2" 3 "4"])
; => [[:i 1] [:s "2"] [:i 3] [:s "4]]
, :altn
& :orn
, :alt-named
& :or-named
, :danger-mouse
& :skeletor