Some breaking changes coming to the extender-api, moving -type
and -type-properties
from Schema
to IntoSchema
. And some new methods so that we can describe the Malli schemas with Malli:
(defprotocol IntoSchema
(-type [this] "returns type of the schema")
(-type-properties [this] "returns schema type properties")
(-properties-schema [this] "maybe returns :map schema describing schema properties")
(-children-schema [this] "maybe returns sequence schema describing schema children")
(-into-schema [this properties children options] "creates a new schema instance"))
also, much better print presentations now:
; => #IntoSchema{:type :enum}
(m/schema [*1 "A" "B"])
; => [:enum "A" "B"]
(type *1)
; => :malli.core/schema
If I want to generate valid malli schemas of the form: [:map [:key1 int?] [:key2 int?] .... [:keyn int?]] using another malli schema - a meta-schema so to speak - what would that meta-schema look like? I've tried: [:tuple [:= :map] [:+ [:tuple simple-keyword? [:= :int]]]]) But it has a flaw: it e.g. generates: [:map [[:key1 int?] [:key2 int?] .... [:keyn int?]]] one pair of square brackets too much around the key-value-tuples. Does anybody know how to solve this using malli?
@roseneck itβs a sequence:
[:cat {:gen/fmap vec}
[:= :map]
[:* [:tuple :keyword :int]]]
{:size 42, :seed 200})
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Thanks a lot! π