malli :malli:
anonimitoraf 2021-04-21T06:38:12.483600Z

Thanks for the update! Looks good!

Ivan Fedorov 2021-04-21T06:51:35.483900Z

I mean codegen. I want to describe malli schema and then have all the goodies (pull vectors, pathom resolvers, etc) generated. I may end up doing it myself, just asking if you have seen anything like this already.

πŸ’― 2
nilern 2021-04-21T09:32:31.485100Z

Let's not forget


I'm just trying malli for the first time today, and it looks pretty great already


one thing I didn't quite understand though, if I annotate a function with (m/=> ... is there a way to actually force that check at runtime to make it fail when the schema doesn't match? I only see that related with generating a clj-kondo config, which is great but I thought that run-time assertions would be also there, even if disabled by default maybe

nilern 2021-04-21T12:06:33.490100Z but @setzer22 has a working implementation

πŸ‘‹ 1
Setzer22 2021-04-21T12:09:10.493500Z

Yes, I've been using my implementation for a couple of weeks now πŸ‘ The base features are working, but sometimes malli has trouble generating human readable descriptions of errors

Setzer22 2021-04-21T12:09:37.494Z

if you give it a try, please report any issues!


ah nice, yeah no rush was just wondering if I missed something from the docs

ikitommi 2021-04-21T12:42:22.496Z

@setzer22 yes, there is an open PR about robust humanized errors. Few combinations that don’t work, but the idea to fix it seems legit.

Setzer22 2021-04-21T12:54:48.497400Z

@ikitommi Good to know!


another thing I noticed is that there isn't a way to just throw an exception if something fails to validate. I ended up with something like

(let [my-map ...
       errors (m/explain schema my-map)]
  (if (nil? errors) my-map (throw (ex-info "validation failed" errors)))
but isnt't there an easier way to do that?

nilern 2021-04-21T13:22:23.499400Z

We should have an assert...

nilern 2021-04-21T13:27:05.499800Z

There wasn't even an issue so I made one

πŸ‘ 1
nilern 2021-04-21T13:56:48.001700Z

Hmm hard to make an efficient assert that makes the validator and explainer behind the scenes. Especially Cljs would be tricky.

nilern 2021-04-22T13:08:18.011900Z

Yeah I figured you just forgot. And I did mean the assert macro would create the validator

nilern 2021-04-22T13:10:02.012100Z

It is probably ok to not do that in dev mode although sometimes assertion overhead is too much even then


mm maybe you don't always need the explainer


would be nice I guess but not sure it needs to be the default

nilern 2021-04-21T15:56:28.002900Z

Dropping the explainer does not make it any easier.

yuhan 2021-04-21T17:34:06.003100Z

Thanks for creating the issue! it must have slipped my mind. Do you mean caching a validator at the assert's compile time? I would be worried about the validator then going out of sync when you redefine the schema during dev time

yuhan 2021-04-21T17:38:44.003300Z

Maybe the *assert* dynamic var could have 3 levels: β€’ runtime validate (slowest but correct) β€’ compile-time validator (more efficient, use if schemas are fixed) β€’ compiles to nil