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yuhan 2020-01-16T08:20:31.061600Z

strange behaviour I ran into:

yuhan 2020-01-16T08:20:57.062100Z

(let [foo {:a {:b 1}}]
  (m/match (:a foo)
    {:b ?x} ?x))
;; => Error: non-exhaustive pattern match

yuhan 2020-01-16T08:22:35.062700Z

splicing the value of (:a foo) into the value position works as expected

noprompt 2020-01-16T16:16:45.063900Z

@qythium I see the problem. I’ll get a patch for that ASAP.

jimmy 2020-01-16T17:05:25.064200Z

Yeah that one is probably my fault.

jimmy 2020-01-16T17:06:33.065600Z

I will be that instead of seeing that keyword as a function call it thinks it is a seq and based in type inference fails.

jimmy 2020-01-16T17:07:35.067200Z

Definitely a bug. I can fix after my lunch break if noprompt doesn't. Nice the (:a foo) to a let binding and I bet it works. Sorry about that.

jimmy 2020-01-16T17:07:52.067500Z


noprompt 2020-01-16T17:15:50.068400Z

@jimmy I’m good to let you handle it if you’d like. 🙂 You might be able to fix that one faster than me. 🙂

noprompt 2020-01-16T17:16:54.068800Z

Either way, we’ll fix it as quickly as possible @qythium

noprompt 2020-01-16T20:50:52.071300Z

[meander/epsilon "0.0.377"]
• Fixes overzealous seq type inference

noprompt 2020-01-16T20:51:25.072100Z

@qythium ☝️ There you go. Be sure to thank @jimmy 👍