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grounded_sage 2020-02-07T15:00:29.174Z

What is the best way to handle nulls? A value which is normally nested objects could be just a null. Doing this in (m/rewrite)

timothypratley 2020-02-10T19:55:53.175700Z

Meander matches maps only as maps, so will not match nil… adding an extra pattern to catch it works. Is that the usecase you have in mind?

grounded_sage 2020-02-12T11:48:25.176700Z

Yes this is what I’m thinking. Will provide a an example soon.

jimmy 2020-02-07T16:22:47.174400Z

Depends on what you are doing. Got an example?

noprompt 2020-02-07T18:32:28.175500Z

It would also help to know what “handle” means. 🙂