
All things about Need help and no one responded? Feel free to ping @U5K8NTHEZ

Guys it's been a while since I've been in Meander. I'm trying to turn this:

{"users" [{"name" "Bob" "favoriteFood" "apple"} ...]
 "foodsByName" {"apple" {"category" "fruit"} ...}}
into this:
[{"name" "Bob" "favoriteFood" "apple" "category" "fruit"} ...]
But I'm stuck at the first step ๐Ÿ˜›
(m/search data (m/scan {"name" ?name}) ?name) ;; => ()
What am I doing wrong here?


Duh. I'm missing the "users" key.



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grounded_sage 2020-02-27T11:27:19.011700Z

It would be cool to have something like this for Meander.

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jimmy 2020-02-27T16:19:57.015900Z

@grounded_sage So I mentioned this at the end of my meander talk. But I actually did implement something where you can hand in some input and output and it will spit out a rewrite for you. It is pretty limited and didn't handle anything with repeats or anything like that. I've found those are the more common things. If someone wants to take a stab at making something like the above, I'd definitely be happy to help out with that.

grounded_sage 2020-02-27T16:35:48.018900Z

@jimmy ah. Itโ€™s been a while since I watched that talk. It would definitely be hard to handle the more complex cases and doing some reshaping before or after sometimes is a more ideal solution. But definitely the more simple use cases could be handled

grounded_sage 2020-02-27T16:52:32.021500Z

As an aside. Iโ€™m at the Clojure Datascience Meetup here in Berlin. Lots of people are really interested in Meander and have shown people how I have been using it

noprompt 2020-02-27T17:00:35.024300Z

Thatโ€™s great! This year should see some big improvements to what you can do with it. In particular, Iโ€™m excited for the ability to aggregate during pattern matching and generate data from patterns.

noprompt 2020-02-27T17:01:35.025100Z

I think these new additions would be handy for data science.

noprompt 2020-02-27T17:02:15.026300Z

Feedback good and bad would be appreciated. Let folks know we welcome criticism. ๐Ÿ‘