
All things about Need help and no one responded? Feel free to ping @U5K8NTHEZ
timothypratley 2020-03-05T05:33:07.115800Z

   (m/with [%resource {:methods   (m/seqable [_ !methods] ...)
                       :resources (m/seqable [_ %resource] ...)}]
 {:methods {:c "z"}
  :resources {:methods {:a "method1"}
              :resources {:methods {:b "method2"}}}})
=> ["z" "method2"]

jimmy 2020-03-05T15:00:58.119600Z

I left a comment on the issue you made.

timothypratley 2020-03-05T19:24:15.120300Z

Thank you 🙂 🤦 Hahaha I can’t believe I messed that up but thanks for setting me right 🙂

timothypratley 2020-03-05T05:33:17.115900Z

doesn’t seem quite right?

timothypratley 2020-03-05T05:34:03.116100Z

I expected “method1” to get collected.

timothypratley 2020-03-05T05:35:25.116300Z

Anything you can share as an example? Sounds interesting 🙂

timothypratley 2020-03-05T07:45:53.117300Z

  {:m {1 2}
   :r {:m {3 4}
       :r {:m {5 6}
           :r {:m {7 8}
               :r {:m {9 10}}}}}}
  (m/with [%r {:m   !m
               :r (m/seqable [_ %r] ...)}]
=> [{1 2} nil {5 6} nil {9 10}]

timothypratley 2020-03-05T07:47:03.117500Z

what in the world?

grounded_sage 2020-03-05T10:45:02.118600Z

(r/pipe !begin-time (format-time "hhmm")) I just tried this but it doesn’t seem to work. (m/app (format-time "hhmm") !begin-time) This is what I have at the moment. Using a HOF

jimmy 2020-03-05T15:12:44.119900Z

pipe doesn't do what you are thinking it does here. app would I think be the right answer.