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JAtkins 2020-10-12T03:09:48.233700Z

I must say, this is perhaps the coolest thing I've done with meander šŸ˜‰

(m/match '(let [b 2
                  c b
                  a (+ b 4)]
    (let [!var (m/cata !val) ...]
      !outs ...)
      `(let ~(vec (interleave
                   (map (fn [val-statement]
                          `(capture ~(uuid) ~val-statement))
    (?function-or-macro . (m/cata !args) ...)
    (concat `(~?function-or-macro)

    (m/pred symbol? ?x)
    `(capture ~(uuid) ~?x)
    ?x ?x)
I'm playing around to see how hard it would be to get debux like info from macros with rewriting provided by meander. Looks promising so far šŸ™‚

Lucy Wang 2020-10-12T03:43:22.234900Z

@jatkin Interesting! Debux is already pretty good for me, which part of it doesn't satisfy you?

JAtkins 2020-10-12T12:44:35.238300Z

Iā€™m experimenting with some ui front ends for debux/data exploring. Iā€™m sure I can use the backend of debux, but it occurred to me that I could use meander so I had to try it at least :)

unbalanced 2020-10-12T04:29:37.235100Z


Lucy Wang 2020-10-12T06:24:33.235300Z

sorry, wrong @ ... Your ID is "James Tolton", which sorts close to "Jarrett Atkinson" ...

JAtkins 2020-10-12T12:44:35.238300Z

Iā€™m experimenting with some ui front ends for debux/data exploring. Iā€™m sure I can use the backend of debux, but it occurred to me that I could use meander so I had to try it at least :)