I just started testing meander in cljs
Are there any restrictions?
have a problem using cata in rhs, it throws an error
Resource: <eval>:1:1
Use of undeclared Var ribelo.meander-playground/java
I see that cata is used in tests like this
so either there's a regression, or more likely I have a shadow-cljs problem somewhere
Could you post your code that is throwing that error?
(m/rewrite [1 2 3]
[!ks ...]
[(m/cata !ks) ...]
?x ?x)
anything using cata on the right side causes an exception as above
I’m not getting that error in a bare clojurescript repl (the code just works). I doubt I would get it in shadow-cljs. It looks very unrelated to meander. Are you sure you don’t have some error elsewhere in your code?
The error seems to think you are referring to something called java
that doesn’t exist.
I will create a new completely empty project folder and check again.
there's definitely a problem with shadow-cljs
on an empty project I get the same error
Can't look right now. But if you can push that project to github I can definitely take a look later tonight
sure, but first I'll just check if it worked on the previous version of shadow