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Hi all, just reading through the meander docs, and wondering if anyone could shed light on what the difference is between the scan and [ ...] formulations? For example:

 {:name ?name
  :favorite-foods (m/scan {:name ?food})}}

 {:name ?name
  :favorite-foods [{:name !food} ...]}}

noprompt 2021-02-22T16:56:53.013Z

(m/scan p1 ,,, pn) is similar to

[_ ... p1 ,,, pn & _]
(_ ... p1 ,,, pn & _)
but operates on seqable? things in general.

william 2021-02-22T18:50:08.013900Z

(m/match #{{:id 1} {:id 2}} #{{:id 1}} :yes)
works, but:
(m/match #{{:id 1} {:id 2}} #{{:id ?id}} :yes)
says that Set patterns may not contain variables . Does that mean that I can't check that a pattern is a subset of my data if it has logical variables, or is there a better way of expressing something like this?

jimmy 2021-02-22T18:56:58.014100Z

Match requires things to be unambigious. But that isn’t the case here. So you can use m/search to get all the answers, or m/find to get the first.

(m/search #{{:id 1} {:id 2}} 
  #{{:id ?id}}
  [?id :yes])

;; =>
([2 :yes] [1 :yes])

jimmy 2021-02-22T19:01:29.014400Z

To explain the difference a bit more concretely, scan lets there be gaps in the data, where as ... requires all elements to make the pattern. You can see that in the difference between these two.

(m/search [1 2 3 4 5 6]
  (m/scan (m/pred even? ?xs))

;; => [2 4 6]

(m/find [1 2 3 4 5 6]
  [(m/pred even? !xs) ...]

;; => nil

william 2021-02-22T19:39:42.014800Z

thanks for the answer @jimmy, that's exactly what I needed! Amazing library!

william 2021-02-22T22:41:32.016900Z

I'm observing a weird behaviour that I think could be a bug. I'm in a cljs file: if I do

(m/search example-2 a-pattern an-action)
where example-2 is an actual binding in my file, all is good. But if I try to import the same binding from another file, writing:
(m/search workspace/example-2 a-pattern an-action)
then i get a spec error:
Syntax error macroexpanding cljs.core/fn.
Call to cljs.core/fn did not conform to spec.
-- Spec failed --------------------

  ([workspace/example-2_T__] ...)

has extra input


should satisfy


-- Relevant specs -------

    (clojure.spec.alpha/* :shadow.cljs.devtools.cljs-specs/binding-form)
     (clojure.spec.alpha/+ clojure.core/any?))
    (clojure.spec.alpha/* clojure.core/any?)))

jimmy 2021-02-24T23:45:44.029600Z

This has been fixed in the new release

jimmy 2021-02-22T22:44:43.017100Z

Sounds like a bug. If you let bins workspace/example-2 to a local variable does it work? Can't look at this right now. But will try to recreate tonight.

william 2021-02-22T22:48:24.017300Z

yes, either a variable in the same file or a variable in a let binding works:

(let [example-2 ...]
  (m/search example-2 a-pattern an-action))
Thank you!

jimmy 2021-02-22T22:49:04.017500Z

Cool should be an easy fix.

william 2021-02-22T22:49:23.017700Z

and of course this works too:

(let [example-2 workspace/example-2] ...)